Friday, 9 March 2012

Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Video -

1. For audience research I showed my video to a target audience of 18 students all ages between 17 - 18. As these 18 people watched my music video, they wrote down positive and negative comments about all factors including mise-en-scene, narrative, editing, characters and performance. I then collected all anonymous audience feedback in order for my to identify what i would need to focus on and evaluate on in future references.

I also took a video using my blackberry phone (new media technology) of a target audience member aged 16. He was male and enjoyed other indie rock/ individualist music including The Kooks, Panic at the Disco etc. The person in this video gave me detailed feedback which was useful as this audience research will help improve future projects such as this one.

The overall audience feedback showed me that people were satisfied, interested and also excited with what the music video portrayed. Many people referred to the editing as being very interesting with good use of it, the mise-en-scene being interesting and the performance previously reffered to as 'amazing' by our actors especially from the main actor with the use of his emotion and good lip-synching. This was quite expected as I wanted to use a performing arts student for the main characters part in the music video as i assumed he would perform to a great ability with detailed emotions and realistic values.

By interpreting Stuart Halls theory of reception theory, i think that the audience are reading the text as preferred reading due to the audience recognizing the values being offered and accepting them as natural and correct. Some viewers may have a negotiated reading as the recognize the values in the text as legitimate an accept them in general, but adapt their reading of the text to fit in with their experiences and interest.

Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Friday, 23 December 2011

This is our animation of the music video!

Shot List

Shot 1: Establishing band shot leaning up against a wall
Shot 2: facial close ups of each member
Shot 3: Band walking away
Shot 4: Establishing shot of band playing together
Shot 5 - 17: Close ups of faces and instruments
Shot 18: Ellie and drummer: fireman's lift
Shot 19 - 22: Rob crying 1 tear, remembering: fireman's carry, throwing bread to ducks and going on the swings
Shot 23 - 33: Close ups of drummer
Shot 34 - 39: Band shots and instrumental shots
Shot 40: Ellie and bassist: taking photos
Shot 41 - 44: Rob crying 2 tears, remembering: taking photos, relaxing time, playful food fight
Shot 45 - 55: Close ups of bassist
Shot 56 - 61: Band shots and instrumental shots
Shot 62: Ellie and guitarist: walking holding hands
Shot 63 - 67: Rob crying 3 tears, remembering: walking holding hands, shopping trolley, drawing a heart
Shot 68 - 78: Close ups of guitarist
Shot 79 - 84: Band shots and instrumental shots
Shot 85 - 95: Rob and Ellie fighting
Shot 96 - 101: Rob and new girlfriend
Shot 102: Rob, band and new girlfriend looking at Ellie
Shot 103: Rob, band and new girlfriend walking away from Ellie