Friday, 23 December 2011

Shot List

Shot 1: Establishing band shot leaning up against a wall
Shot 2: facial close ups of each member
Shot 3: Band walking away
Shot 4: Establishing shot of band playing together
Shot 5 - 17: Close ups of faces and instruments
Shot 18: Ellie and drummer: fireman's lift
Shot 19 - 22: Rob crying 1 tear, remembering: fireman's carry, throwing bread to ducks and going on the swings
Shot 23 - 33: Close ups of drummer
Shot 34 - 39: Band shots and instrumental shots
Shot 40: Ellie and bassist: taking photos
Shot 41 - 44: Rob crying 2 tears, remembering: taking photos, relaxing time, playful food fight
Shot 45 - 55: Close ups of bassist
Shot 56 - 61: Band shots and instrumental shots
Shot 62: Ellie and guitarist: walking holding hands
Shot 63 - 67: Rob crying 3 tears, remembering: walking holding hands, shopping trolley, drawing a heart
Shot 68 - 78: Close ups of guitarist
Shot 79 - 84: Band shots and instrumental shots
Shot 85 - 95: Rob and Ellie fighting
Shot 96 - 101: Rob and new girlfriend
Shot 102: Rob, band and new girlfriend looking at Ellie
Shot 103: Rob, band and new girlfriend walking away from Ellie

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