With our feedback we had lots of positive comments and positive criticism. This can be used towards helping us with the production of our music video and helping with the production of our digipak and advertising.
Comments on suitability for stated target audience:
When it comes to majority of the feedback, comments were similar to 'Detailed - seems suitable' and 'Sounds a good narrative for audience as you can relate to it'. We were successful in portraying an audience profile for our target audience, we have received some rather helpful comments about our video narrative. The unsigned band that we have chosen works for the niche target audience of young people. It is also very suited to it's teenage target audience, by the way the narrative works. All we need to focus on now are the two comments which will prove very helpful, 'Specific - just need to explain and develop why they chose it'.
Comments on the originality of the idea:
Whilst looking at this section, we noticed one comment which stood amongst the others. This was: 'Not original at all'. We thought our main idea was something unseen, original and exciting with the use of technology involved. This audience member however clearly disagreed and has seen a similarity to our group idea. Many of our audience members on the other hand positively reacted to its originality with comments such as: 'Should work well with a mix of narrative and amplifying' and 'Upbeat, having a happy actor would sound and look good'.
Comments and thoughts on the logistical arrangements:
We had two comments in this section one comment included 'Looked into health and safety well', we included a powerpoint of the different scenarios which could possibly be a hazard indoors and outdoors. When we have detailed definite locations, we can then develop more into the Health and Safety procedures.
Comments on the technical aspects of the idea - does it sound achievable with college equipment?
A first problem for us was how we are going to achieve lighting for outdoors, as there may be no way to achieve coloured lighting for any particular reasons or shots, and there was a comment sort of agreeing to this, 'Yes but will need to consider lighting'. Other than this, we think that we are staying as true to genre as we can, so using just the one camera will help, and it comes across that our idea is feesable with using the college equipment.
Our audience did seem to agree with us about how realistic abilities the video could portray. This is positive because it means that our idea is triggering similarities within their minds, and if we are able to produce a video which is going to be a realistic point of view from the singer, then hopefully we will receive positive feedback for our final outcome. One of the comments challenges the initial idea of time reversal indicating realistic qualities we would be able to ensure. 'Yes - sounds like it can be realistic but I'm unsure of how the audience will be able to tell the difference between the two different time frames - is there going to be an obvious stylistic difference?' Well this is a challenge that can be overcome through trial and error by trying out different effects to show separation of the present time frame and the past memory.
Everyone did seem to agree with one another about the fact that our choice of video idea was very achievable. But one of our audience members did not agree to the excitement of the video, 'Sounds achievable but not very exciting or different', we thought that with what we produced in our pitch we were going in a different and exciting path, but it may be that this audience member is into this genre of music and is common with these kind of videos.
So when we reflect on our pitch's feedback, we had very positive comments and where positivley criticized, we will use this in producing a much better quality final outcome.
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